The visuals in this are like watching a videogame.
This guy (Zak Maytum) reaches almost 70mph (112kmh) going down this road in Colorado with traffic coming in the opposite direction. He is wearing some sort of aerodynamic helmet, but surely one mistake and his face could have been wiped off.
Bad choice of underwear though. That's hipsterically sad.
In any case, this video from the 1988 USA National Aerobic Championship is utterly ridiculous.
It's so 80s it hurts. The music, the attire, the hairstyles, the TV presentation, the constant smiles.
Yap. Cocaine's one hell of a drug!
And here's Key & Peele's take on the subject.
Brilliant. Just brilliant.
Now I can't get that music out my head! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh!
This police lieutenant from Louisiana is the most stereotypical American thing I've seen in a very long while. My Europeanness just cringed, pissed herself and hid under the bed.
"Watch, as a man commits his crime"
(I was expecting a Valar Morghulis at some point there)
So many things to comment on:
The DNA on a rock,
the hardworking and generous Stellys,
the sheriff being a fan of Stelly's,
the cheeseburger with coke and fries he'll have afterwards,
the nice tip he'll give to the waitress,
the fact that he knows nobody likes the perp.
Is he for real? Is he a cartoon? Did he come out of a movie or something?
He really makes me want to give myself up, but I haven't done anything.
Don't get me wrong.
I like drones (until they become sentient and starting hunting us all down).
I am a proud owner of one myself, but this ad by drone maker DJI is utterly ridiculous.
(I don't own a DJI one by the way).
And it's ridiculous because it doesn't take into account:
1) the noise drones make (no wonder these fantastic drone shot videos you find on Youtube are always dubbed with music),
2) their mass,
3) the danger from the rotating blades if you get too close, and
4) the maneuverability in a closed space (the lack thereof, as it is pretty limited unless you're a super expert).
Here's a more realistic version:
And here's the last portion of the realistic version.
It is well worth enjoying on its own.
The civil war in Syria has been going on for more than four years now.
The dead are around 250,000 and the misplaced are over 4.5 million, many (if not most) of them children.
What would it be like for a British child if a similar war was actually happening in the UK?
And would that make us empathize more with them than with the Syrian children being affected by a real war right now?
This very creative video by the organization Save The Children shows us and asks us to donate.
With the United Kingdom general election rapidly approaching (May 7th), here's Cassetteboy's hilarious look into British politics with a clear dislike of emphasis on the ruling Conservative party. Caution! Some NSFW language.
I really want to buy a drone. But they seem to be so fragile.
Plus, it is increasingly becoming illegal to fly them in any place where it is worth flying them.
And the battery lasts only 10-15min at best.
Imagine your $500+ drone with its $300+ camera running out of energy and starting its descent towards water.
That's exactly what happened to this guy from the Netherlands.
And also to this guy at Floreat beach in Western Australia.
Great saves!
And lucky there was enough energy for a slow decent, and not a complete plummeting.
Youtube has been inundated with videos showing deaf people hearing for the first time.
They are usually quite moving videos, seeing someone receive for the first time something that for your whole life you have taken for granted. It's amazing that we have the technology to cure at least some forms of deafness. Hopefully, at some point, we'll be seeing videos titled "Blind person sees for the first time!" (oh wait, it seems there a few already).
Below are four of the best "Person hears for the first time" videos
(a heads up, two of them... are not like the other two...):
If you were born around the early 80s, and you used to watch "Saved by the Bell", let the nostalgia begin.
- Why weren't Screech and Lisa there?
- Because Belding ate them.
(stole it from the Youtube comments)
Seriously though... unfortunately it seems that Screech (played by Dustin Diamond) has been having run-ins with the law, while Lisa (played by Lark Voorhies) has had to deal with some mental issues.
Guillaume Néryis a French freediver (underwater diving which relies on the diver holding his/her breath) who has been the world record holder multiple times, ultimately reaching -117m during a dive near Kalamata, Greece.
In case you're interested in knowing, the current records for constant weight apnea (like what Néry is practicing) is set at -128m, while the record for no-limits apnea (where they stand still and use a weight to take them down, and then an inflatable bag to bring them back up) is set at -214m! (source)
Here he is freely riding the current.
I'm amazed by how long he can hold his breath (yes, this might have taken multiple takes, but still very impressive).
When I go to use the restroom at work, sometimes there is this unimaginable stink from people doing number twos (seriously, what do these people eat, and why don't they go at home?), and I try to hold my breath as best as I can. Well, the best that I can seems to be only 20sec. Freedivers of this guy's caliber easily reach the 3min mark, and many can go beyond 5min, while swimming at the same time. Simply amazing.
Here's another great film featuring him, and based on the hallucinations he sometimes gets when diving: