Jimmy Fallon along with Billy Crystal and Jerry Seinfeld re-enact Abbott and Costello's classic comedy sketch "Who's on First?".
The other two guys are "Late Night With Jimmy Fallon" head writer A.D. Miles (What) and the announcer of the same show Steve Higgins (Costello Part).
The applause for Jerry Seinfeld lasted a bit longer than it should have and ruined the momentum a little bit, but still the sketch was quite well done.
All November 23rd 2012 (Black Friday) landings at San Diego airport from 10:30 to 15:00, skillfully condensed into a 26 second full-blown airplane invasion.
All the way back from 2006...
(OK, 2006 is that much way back)
(or is it?)
(this "..." signifies a drum roll by the way)
one of the first videos to go viral...
I give you...
Afro Ninja!!!
I've been meaning to post this for a long time.
It's hilarious ("What? Nooooo.....").
I never liked Pokémon, but I never really watched it either.
I think it was the first cartoon that made me say "look at the crap kids are watching these days... when I was a kid, we watched quality cartoons..."
I haven't posted a time-lapse video for some time now.
So, here's Poland.
It's amazing how quickly some ex-communist countries have adopted and adapted to the modern economy and it's also nice to see them retain their traditional architecture. Some of these buildings are hundreds of years old and yet are still inhabited.
Perhaps it's time in my country (Greece) for us to bring down the ugly, concrete monsters that are the apartment blocks from the '50s and '60s and leave some room for us to breathe. A few parks would be a good start. When the crisis is over... and uncorrupted people with a vision are finally elected...
I'm a bit of a fan of 5-second films. So, it's no surprise that they've been featured in this blog before (here and here). Their films consist of 2-second intro - 5 seconds of film - 1-second outro. They don't always hit the mark, but below are fifteen 5-second films that I believe do. Hmmm, despite them being fifteen, this should only take 2-3 minutes of your time.
Not much to report from the internets lately, so here's an oldie with Dennis Rodman (remember that guy? I just checked and he's 51 now...) decking a lady who entered his path. ;p
Yeah, yeah, I know it's not Dennis Rodman and that she should really have been looking where she was going.
For anyone not familiar with the subject, Black Friday is the day after Thanksgiving in the US when many retailers open really early (e.g. 03:00a.m.) and (theoretically at least) offer amazingly great deals. It is considered the start of the Christmas holiday shopping season.
Many people camp outside stores, even weeks earlier, in order to be the first to enter and grab the item they've set their sights on. Reports of people getting trampled, fights among customers and total rampage in stores are not uncommon in the news on Black Friday.
The following video demonstrates this (bear in mind though that the footage is from previous years and not 2012):
From the bulk song makers geniuses (ARK Music Factory) behind Rebecca Black's most disliked ever viral hit "Friday" comes another singer/customer with rich parents rising young star in the form of Nicole Westbrook and her "Friday"-wannabe but not quite hit song "It's Thanksgiving".
Not a supercut, but it certainly takes the cake as far as enhancing goes.
From the British sci-fi comedy TV series "Red Dwarf" (which I did try to watch in the past, put unfortunately I found it disappointingly crappy, but this clip is good, trust me).
Stars from (as of November 2012) recently ended (Heroes, Battlestar Galactica) or still airing TV series (Dexter, Walkind Dead) explain the newly defined official spoiler rules.
Finally, the election is over. In the end, not as tight a race as the media were projecting.
So, in a couple of years (or even sooner), the news will again be dominated this time by both the race for the Democratic and the race for the Republican nomination as the countdown to the 2016 election begins (2-3 years early, because you know, papers need to be sold, sites need to get clicks). Quite similar to what happens in my country actually, with the main difference being that in the US, elections are held exactly every 4 years and not 2-3 times a year...
Following last year's success, Jimmy Kimmel again asked parents to tell their kids that they had eaten all the Halloween candy they had worked hard to amass during trick or treating, record their reaction and upload it on Youtube. Here are some of the best reactions as picked by Jimmy Kimmel's team. Hilarious. Make sure to watch it till the end.
I just watched yet another Mitt Romney ad on Youtube talking about how people in Ohio (a state which has one of the lowest unemployment rates in the US) want jobs and how he's going to create them through spectacular methods such as producing energy from... coal.
Yes. Coal. I had the impression that this was 2012.
Republicans, it seems, are stuck somewhere around the '70s and '80s.
In any case, it reminded me of this classic South Park excerpt (all truth be told, Romney did not say anything about Ohioans losing jobs to immigrants).
Or at least improve the signage of this Durham, North Carolina bridge.
It even has its own site!
I understand people with rented Penske trucks not knowing their trucks' clearance (I'd probably be oblivious to it myself if I were in their position), but professional truckers?!
I've seen something similar before somewhere on the internets, but I don't think I've ever posted it here. It's quite a neat trick.
For anyone wondering why people are gathering in that particular alley...
The city is San Luis Obispo in California and one of its main (only?) "tourist attractions" is this, Bubblegum Alley.
Yes, it's an alley where people, for many years now, have been sticking chewing gum on the walls and taking pictures.
Nuff said.
These 4-legged stilt costumes are a bit... unsettling.
From the Youtube video info:
"We were inspired by the Frouds who made the Landstriders in the Dark Crystal. They have seen them in person and love them! We were also
inspired by Miyazaki."
OK... so I had no idea who these Frouds and Landstriders they were talking about were (although Wikipedia and Google have helped shed some light), but I can definitely see the Miyazaki connection.
Jimmy Kimmel did an experiment asking people who won the First Lady debate.
Considering that it never happened, it's amazing how many people actually watched it.
First of all, to play the devil's advocate here, they don't show us how many people actually knew that it was a trick question. They only show five people who said they saw it. Is that out of ten people they asked or out of two hundred?
Secondly, this was filmed on Hollywood Boulevard where many wannabe stars hang out. So perhaps it didn't matter what the question was as long as they could be seen on camera. For example, the first guy walks by at 2:19 when the fourth guy is talking, meaning that he was either interviewed earlier and passed by again or he was passing by, saw the camera and grabbed the opportunity.
Bodyform, a UK-based company specializing in feminine hygiene products, received the following comment on its Facebook page by user Richard Neill:
, as a man I must ask why you have lied to us for all these years . As a
child I watched your advertisements with interest as to how at this
wonderful time of the month that the female gets to enjoy so many things
,I felt a little jealous. I mean bike riding , rollercoasters, dancing,
parachuting, why couldn't I get to enjoy this time of joy and 'blue
water' and wings !! Dam my penis!! Then I got a girlfriend, was so happy
and couldn't wait for this joyous adventurous time of the month to
happen .....you lied !! There was no joy , no extreme sports , no blue
water spilling over wings and no rocking soundtrack oh no no no. Instead
I had to fight against every male urge I had to resist screaming
wooaaahhhhh bodddyyyyyyfooorrrmmm bodyformed for youuuuuuu as my lady
changed from the loving , gentle, normal skin coloured lady to the
little girl from the exorcist with added venom and extra 360 degree head
spin. Thanks for setting me up for a fall bodyform , you crafty bugger"
Bodyform didn't let the opportunity pass them by and responded in a classically British sarcastic style.
(actually I saw this a couple of years ago, but after adopting this technique I concur, this is, if not the right way, definitely the most efficient way to peel a banana)
I understand the appeal of running, hiking, biking, camping, etc. in North America's beautiful national parks. But doing it alone and in an area of British Columbia which is known to be grizzly bear country? I consider it a bad idea. In any case, this guy got the adrenaline rush of a lifetime and lived to tell the tale.
The event is at 03:12, so you can start watching around the three-minute mark if you wish.
Pffff, he thinks he's safe, but surely the bear can follow the malodorous trail he left behind him... ;p
This excerpt from the Turkish 1973 movie "Karateci Kiz" has been doing the rounds on the internets in the past few days and rightly so.
It truly is hilarious!
It would have been perfect if the movie contained this exact scene.
But it did seem illogical that no one (director, actors, etc.) even in 70s Turkish cinema didn't realize how ridiculous the scene looked. And indeed it has been cleverly edited.
Here is the original, quite a bit more silent, but still kind of ridiculous, scene from the movie.
It starts at 01:58, but you can watch it from the beginning if you want to catch a glimpse of what led to the despicable act ;)
It's been some time since I posted a tilt-shift, time-lapse video.
This one is pretty nice and is accompanied by good music too.
As always, suggested viewing is in HD, full screen mode.
Brilliantly done mesh of Mortal Kombat, the original 1992 video game, and Bloodsport, a 1988 movie which starred Jean Claude Van Damme. Johnny Cage (who, if I remember correctly from my childhood, was the most useless character of all) was in fact modeled after Jean Claude Van Damme from this movie.
"Cage's appearance in the first game was loosely based on Van Damme's portrayal of Dux Ryu Ninjutsu founder Frank Dux in the 1988 movie Bloodsport, incorporating both Van Damme's appearance/outfit and his signature "leg split" move."
And any Apple product for that matter.
They may be pretty, but I consider them overrated, overinflated and in the end not particularly innovative. I mean... this company managed to convince a jury that it has patented all rectangles with rounded corners. They've patented a common shape. How innovative is that?
However, contrary to common logic, there are those people (and unfortunately there are a lot of them) who will flock (pun intended) to the Apple store to buy any new, insignificantly updated product this company puts on the market.
Here's one of them, before they all rushed in, waiting patiently in line.
I was hoping this was fake, but it seems that it is legit.
So, apparently, the iPhone 5 has a bigger screen than its predecessor.
It may look like a cow or a mule now, clumsy and docile, but it won't be long before somebody thinks of sticking a few guns on there. Actually... I'm pretty sure they've already thought of that.
This 4fps video, released by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, shows the final two and a half minutes of Curiosity's descent to the surface of Mars from the point of heat shield separation to touchdown, as captured by Curiosity's Mars Descent Imager (MARDI).
Although very fascinating, it is neither fluid, nor very detailed.
In steps Youtube user Bard Canning who took this original footage and made it into a 30fps video through a process known as interpolation. From Wikipedia:
"Motion interpolation is a form of video processing in which intermediate animation frames are generated between existing ones, in an attempt to make animation more fluid."
This meant that he had to re-create 26 frames in every second from the 4 frames per second of the original video. It took him 4 weeks, but the result is, as he describes it:
"Ultra-resolution, smooth-motion, detail-enhanced, color-corrected,
interpolated from the original 4 frames per second to 30 frames per
second. This video plays real-time at the speed that Curiosity descended
to the surface of Mars on August 6, 2012."
Here is his video (he also added sound effects):
And here is a comparison between original and interpolated video:
Although Bard Canning's video is not 100% "real", I believe it is within acceptable limits of accuracy and definitely more impressive and informative than the original.
I used to like this show. It was called "Κόντρες!" in my jurisdiction...
They never did manage to convince me that they had indeed asked 100 people in the street.
I'm pretty sure they made up all the answers.
Recently, the internets have been on fire with this song, performed by South Korean artist (rapper) PSY.
From Wikipedia: "Gangnam Style" is a Korean language colloquialism that refers to a luxurious lifestyle associated with the Gangnam district, an affluent and trendy area of Seoul.
Looks great LIVE too!
(amazing crowd by the way, enjoying the show, having fun, not squishing each other to death like you see elsewhere...)
Also, Gangnam Style a cappella (or with natural sound if you prefer)
A compilation of 179 clips from tilt-shift and time-lapse videos from around the world (some featured already in this blog, check tilt-shift and time-lapse post labels on the right), accompanied by a beautifully energetic song.
Recommended viewing is HD, full screen.
Originally compiled by Luc Bergeron (aka Zapatou).
The list of all the clip sources, in order of appearance, can be found at the source.
The song is Wolf by Swedish folk duo First Aid Kit.
At 0:56 I thought that was the end of him.
Better dancer than me, I admit.
Also... so many semedakia (the cloths that cover the TV, the shelves, everything)!
Walmart set up a contest whereupon the rapper Pitbull would visit the Walmart store that would get the most "likes" on Facebook. What they hadn't anticipated was that a writer for a Boston newspaper would suggest that people send Pitbull to the most isolated Walmart out there, the Walmart at Kodiak, Alaska and that this idea would go viral. As a result, the Walmart at Kodiak easily got the most "likes". Being a good sport, Pitbull did in fact visit it, albeit only for a few hours and without performing (source ABC).
Here is the Key of Awesome's take on how Pitbull accepted the fact that he was going to Alaska.
(there are of course no penguins in Alaska, but somehow I think that was on purpose...)
After a journey of just over 8 months, NASA's Mars Science Laboratory Mission is about to reach Mars and in a few hours will attempt to land the rover Curiosity on the surface of the planet. At 900kg (the size of a small car) it is the largest Mars Rover yet. It is equipped with a plethora of scientific instruments. Its objectives are to (source Wikipedia):
Determine whether Mars could ever have supported life
Study the climate of Mars
Study the geology of Mars
Plan for a human mission to Mars
I particularly like #4.
Fingers crossed. Let's hope everything goes according to plan (see video).
A few thoughts. The cost of the Mars Science Laboratory Mission is at about US$2.5 billion.
The defence budget of the US for 2012 was US$711 billion.
For the same year NASA's budget was US$17.8 billion.
Imagine how much more amazing work could be done if just US$50 billion was cut from the defence budget and allocated to NASA.
Barging in like that and drinking water from the swimming pool... while people are swimming.
Joke aside though, perhaps they should invest in a fence because lions and hyenas might not show the same indifference towards them.
The amazing performance by Olga Korbut in the gymnastics competition of the 1972 Olympic Games in Munich. According to the video poster, this is the first backwards release move ever attempted on the uneven bars. Her characteristic move can no longer be performed because standing on the high bar is no longer allowed.
I admit that before yesterday I had no idea of her performance or even existence.
Who knows how many videos like these are scattered around the internet waiting to be discovered.
This video has been very popular recently, as indeed it should.
It's a wonderful idea where Youtube user/filmmaker Jeremiah McDonald, now at age 32, has a conversation with his 12-year old self. I feel this will catch on and we'll be seeing a lot of people trying to replicate it in the future.
The amazing victory of Mine That Bird at the 2009 Kentucky Derby. Although not the worst-seeded horse in the race (its odds were at 50-1, while two other horses' were at 55-1 and 51-1) it was not expected to achieve anything. In fact, at the beginning of the race, it was so far back that the commentator simply ignored it until he realized it was the one leading seconds before it crossed the finishing line.
A barrage of short (hence the Haiku part), classic internet videos and memes compiled by Youtube user Tharpless (who will hopefully make more of these).
In Russia. Where else?
According to the video info (and I hope it's true) only the guy hit by the car was injured, but was lucky enough to escape with just a broken leg.
Judging by the fact that it was released only a couple of days before April Fools', it is doubtful that it will be included in the standard equipment soon.