Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Cats Singing the French Nursery Rhyme "Dansons La Capucine"

I don't always post cat videos,

but when I do,

they're pretty cool.

(don't worry, it has subtitles in English)

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Smart Crow Distracts Human In Order to Steal Pan

This could go on forever.

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Recycling. Flash Mob Style!

An old video (as can be inferred from the whopping resolution of 240p), but if this doesn't leave you with a smile on your face, then... I dunno man.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Monday, May 20, 2013

15 Hand-Picked 5-Second Films (Part 2)

Part 1 is here.

There has been a drop in 5SF quality lately.
Good ones are more and more difficult to come by.

1) Hope, Time and Broccoli

Hint: The Shawshank Redemption (if you still don't get it, forget it)

2) Socks and Sandals 

3) Last Anchor Standing

4) Snack Time

5) House Full of Love

6) Blank CD in a Microwave

7) Attention Shoppers

8)  Art Lover

9) Manscaping

10) Death Switch Catastrophe

11) Mr. Silly's New Hire

12) Overworked, Underpaid

13) Paul Was In The C.I.A.

14) Digging to China

15) 5SecondFilms Does the Harlem Shake

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Holocaust Remembrance in Israel

Yap, THIS is how you show respect for your dead and for your history.

(although it is a bit precarious doing it in the middle of the motorway)

I wish we showed similar respect when remembering the Pontic/Pontian genocide (part of the Greek genocide) every May 19th.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Password Minder

 "I don't have to worry any more about security or identity theft. 
 I now have all my passwords in one place. 
 It's great!"

Really now...
what could possibly go wrong?!!!

Monday, May 13, 2013

38 Common English Spelling/Grammar Mistakes

John Green of Mental Floss highlights:

Mistakes normal people make, such as:

I vs Me

Who vs Whom

Emigrate vs Immigrate


Mistakes idiots make, such as

You're vs Your

There vs Their vs They're

Affect vs Effect

Than vs Then

Lose vs Loose 

Could of/Would of/Should of

You're (and not your) welcome.


Saturday, May 11, 2013

Thursday, May 9, 2013

On the Subject of Watermelons...

Right in the kisser!

Ahhhh, so enjoyable!

Cutting up a watermelon in under 30 seconds

How to eat a watermelon (with a spoon)

I'm just putting this here for the interesting idea of eating watermelon with a spoon.

The rest, such as combining watermelon with marshmallows and peanut butter, as well as the notion that half a watermelon is one serving (try it and your stomach will feel as if it's going to explode, followed by frequent visits to the bathroom as you'll feel the need to pee a lot) is utter nonsense (americanisms, pfff!).

What the video doesn't tell you is that this gentleman is in fact 45, but this is what combining marshmallows and peanut butter with half a watermelon does to you over a few years.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Good Deeds By Russian Drivers

Who would have thought it possible?

After all those crash videos, it was about time someone made a positive dashcam video compilation from Russia.

It will take quite a bit more to restore my faith in humanity, but it's a start.


Monday, May 6, 2013

Miniature Melbourne (tilt-shift)

A short tilt-shift (see note at the end) time-lapse film featuring the city of Melbourne, Australia, by Nathan Kaso.

Miniature Melbourne from Nathan Kaso on Vimeo.

Very beautiful, although it isn't true tilt-shift.

From the video description on Vimeo:

The tilt-shift effect and grading was applied in Photoshop, and the film was edited in LRTimelapse, After Effects and Premiere Pro CS6.
